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Human Resources

Let’s Talk About Sex.

By Bullying, Difficult People, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Management, Sexual Harassment

Recently I took part in a discussion for SBS’ Insight’s program about Sexual Harassment at work.

What became really clear, really quickly in the discussion, was that 31 years since legislation was introduced, people are still questioning whether it is a “real” issue; and many, many people still struggle with what it may, or may not be.

I will start as SBS did, with the legal definition:“Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour, which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.”

Last night’s program reflects what I have found when consulting with organisations on this issue. There are as many personal interpretations of the definition as there are people in any room at any one time. Read More

Dealing with Difficult People

By Bullying, Career, Difficult People, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Management

The topic of “Difficult People” and how to “deal” with them, is always a popular talking point no matter where I am or who I am working with.

If you do a web search on the topic you will find thousands of hits. Most are articles which claim to give you the “10 Best tips” or other similar insights; and there are also many training programs and books to help you gain some expertise. Read More

Social Media, Bullying and Reputation

By Bullying, Career, Difficult People, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Management, Social Media

In June 2014, Social Media was harnessed to put pressure on Opera Australia because of a statement previously posted on Facebook by Georgian Opera Singer Tamar Iveri.  Opera Australia subsequently advised that they had addressed the issues with Ms Iveri and had accepted her explanation that the post was written by her husband.

A few days later, Limelight magazine published an article which detailed what would seem to have been a more thorough investigation into the matter, which concluded Ms Iveri may have been dishonest in her response to Opera Australia. Read More

Peace and Goodwill to All at Work

By Bullying, Career, Difficult People, Employee Relations, Free Values Assessment, Human Resources, Management

As the year draws to an end, many people start to make resolutions to ensure “next year” is a better one.   This is particularly true in the case of work.  Though some may be toasting a great past year – and wishing for an even brighter new year; most will be hoping for a better year – one with less stress, and less conflict. Read More

Good Cuts/Bad Cuts

By Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Management

In 2014 Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced a “hiring freeze” to achieve his objective of cutting “red tape”.  We are so used to hearing this sort of announcement that it seems even journalists do not question the thinking behind it.

The government go-to position of a “staffing freeze” is a very simple strategy of not replacing people as they leave, either through resignation, retirement or when their contracts expire.  There is no consideration given for how critical the work being done is; it is just a blanket assumption that no matter what a person is employed to do, when they leave, someone else can absorb it.  Or perhaps it just doesn’t get done anymore. Read More