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Human Resources

What’s In A Word?

By Bullying, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations

In what seems to be a standing item in our News media of late, a politician’s personal comment about a political aspirant has been the cause for much argument. Tony Abbott, who was campaigning to be elected Australia’s next Prime Minister, introduced a local candidate as “young, feisty” and with “sex appeal”.

And the so-called “debate” began!  Read More

Common Sense Is Not Common

By Bullying, Difficult People, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Management, News

It is one of the most frequent arguments and we hear people say it all the time: “it’s just common sense”.  Strangely though, it is usually used when arguing a point the majority does not share.

I hear it so frequently in business, usually said with great frustration. What is said is – “it’s common sense” – but what is meant is “why can’t everybody see this the way I do”? Read More